Monday, July 28, 2008

Since July 18th.

Sheehan, his dad, and Troy were on their way to Indianapolis and Sheehan ran out of gas. Next to the big sign that says Knozone Action Day, Refuel After 6pm. This picture was taken at 7pm. We had to bring him some gas.

These were all taken with my phone.

Greg, wearing my sunglasses.

Chalkboards in Democracy Plaza at IUPUI.

I've been working a lot lately. The photo above was taken on my campus wide shift as well as this next photo.

This is a totally ridiculous deal. Spend 150 dollars with a jagtag and then get a t-shirt. No.

I made breakfast when I got home from work Sunday morning.

I worked on Friday from 8am-5pm and then from 7pm-Midnight. I didn't leave the IT lab all day from 8am to midnight. Then I worked campus wide from 12-4 on Saturday, and then came back at midnight-8am. I hung out in the lab until about 10am (this is Sunday). Then on the way home traffic was terrible because of the race. It took me about 30 minutes to get home when it should have taken me something like 10-15 minutes. I made breakfast and didn't go to sleep until about noon. I slept until about 5:30pm and then I came back to work at midnight (Monday). I work tomorrow (Tuesday) from 3-8pm. Lots of working.

That's all I've been up to.

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