Tuesday, July 1, 2008

My current desktop.

I've been on a Star Wars kick as of late.  I finished reading the Han Solo Trilogy published in 1997:

(with iPhone)

and now I'm reading the Han Solo Trilogy that was published 1979. 

(with iPhone)

I'm reading them in chronological order (according to the story lines). That's why I read the new ones before the old ones.

My current desktop:

I got bored one day and organized my crayons by color:

(with SLR)

Emma got to visit IUPUI last week when I went to get Greg from work:

(with iPhone)

And I have a campus wide (I walk around to the different labs and make sure the consultants are doing their jobs and help them if they need it) shift on Saturdays.

It was a little gloomy when I was walking to the education school (ES):
All of these pictures were taken with my phone.

By the time I left the business school to go to the law school it had cleared up:

That's what has been happening lately.  I'm leaving for Kansas on Thursday morning and returning the next Thursday.  I probably won't blog much if at all.

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