Thursday, November 29, 2007

Boring day.

I pretty much did nothing today. But 4 days after Greg's birthday his gift finally arrived. It was the newest FFXI expansion. I don't know why I buy them for him. It just takes him farther away from us. I know why I bought it. It's because I like to see him happy. I think he's happy. I also gave him a coffee maker that we got on Black Friday for 5 bucks. I have yet to receive a birthday gift from him. That's an awesome feeling. Let's just say I'm feeling pretty awesome about myself right now... Not. But he makes me feel like I shouldn't be upset.

I wonder what's wrong with me. Why is it taking so long? Do I need to change something? Am I doing something wrong? Right now it feels like it's never going to happen.

I'm just being a whiny, self pitying, jerk right now.

Anyway. I got pretty crafty with Greg's gift today. I didn't have any wrapping paper, so I created my own.

This is how Emma spent most of her day.

Looking out the window and barking at anything that moved.

Here's a picture of my workspace at home.

This picture gets the award for the most adorable picture of the week.

Emma was a very cuddly puppy that night. Sometimes she gets that way. She'll just want to sit and sleep on us. I love it when she's in that mood.

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